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abbacy of scone造句

  • Eugenius did not encourage him in his schemes, but gave him the presentation to the abbacy of Scone " in commendam ".
  • On 1 April 1605 the barony of Ruthven and the lands belonging to the abbacy of Scone were erected into the temporal lordship of Scone, with a seat and vote in parliament, with which he was invested; on 30 May 1606 he had charter of the barony of Segie, erected into the lordship of Segie; and on 18 August 1608 of the lands and barony which belonged to the abbacy of Scone, united into the temporal lordship of Scone.
  • On 1 April 1605 the barony of Ruthven and the lands belonging to the abbacy of Scone were erected into the temporal lordship of Scone, with a seat and vote in parliament, with which he was invested; on 30 May 1606 he had charter of the barony of Segie, erected into the lordship of Segie; and on 18 August 1608 of the lands and barony which belonged to the abbacy of Scone, united into the temporal lordship of Scone.
  • It's difficult to see abbacy of scone in a sentence. 用abbacy of scone造句挺难的
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